Eric Hung

Eric Hung
Candidate statement
I am honored to be nominated to run for the 2025 AAAS elections. AAAS has been the most meaningful professional organization in my career. I appreciate its multidisciplinary nature, and I love attending conferences where attendees already know Asian American history and experiences. When I present, I get more helpful questions at AAAS than at any other conference. I have served as Co-Chair of the East of California Section, and I am currently Co-Chair of the Cultural Heritage, Archives, Libraries and Information Science (CHALIS) Section.

I am running to be AAAS Archivist for four reasons. First, I want to help AAAS preserve and understand its own history better. During her term as AAAS Archivist, Julia Huynh found the funding to begin processing the AAAS Records at University of Washington Special Collections. If elected, I want to ensure that the processing—including the creation of a detailed finding aid—is brought to a satisfactory conclusion. This will make the collection much more accessible to researchers.

Second, I want to activate the AAAS Records. This can include encouraging scholars to use the collection by making them aware of important items in the collection, digitizing parts of the collection that can aid AAAS’ PR and community engagement efforts, and encouraging members to donate relevant materials to the collection.

Third, to better record the history of the organization, I want to help AAAS create a robust and sustainable oral history program with long-time members, award winners, and others.

Finally, I want to broaden AAAS’ appeal in the information sciences. My ideas here include holding webinars that appeal to librarians and archivists, and organizing panels with AAAS members at conferences of the Society of American Archivists and the American Library Association.

Candidate Biography:
Eric Hung (he/they) is Executive Director of the Music of Asian America Research Center, and Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Maryland’s College of Information. In 2024-25, he is Visiting Associate Professor of Music at Swarthmore College. His research focuses on Asian American music, trauma and healing, and reparative archives. He is also a community archives practitioner. Recent projects include curating an educational pathway entitled "Hear Us Out! Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and Their Music" for Smithsonian Folkways, serving as Writer for Wing Luke Museum’s "Sound Check! The Music We Make" exhibit, editing a special forum on "Public Musicology and Music of Asian America" for the journal American Music, and contributing to the "Music, Sound and Trauma" colloquy in the Journal of the American Musicological Society. Prior to joining the nonprofit world full-time, he was a tenure-track and tenured professor of music history at the University of Montana and Rider University. Hung is also an active pianist and conductor. He holds a Ph.D. in musicology from Stanford University and an MLIS in archives and digital curation from the University of Maryland.