Christina Ong

Christina Ong
Candidate statement
If elected as the Section Representative, christina will work to establish deep relationships amongst section members in order to better assess their interests and communicate those desires to the Board. She is particularly interested in elevating the concerns of scholars in the field who have been marginalized in their areas of study, as well as deepening AAAS’ engagement in social justice and coalitional activism. Because AAAS has provided such a welcoming and enriching academic home for her, christina hopes that prospective work as a Section Representative can cultivate a strong sense of community for new junior scholars.

Candidate Biography:
Dr. Christina Ong (she/her) is a postdoctoral scholar in Asian and Asian American Studies at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She obtained her PhD in Sociology from the University of Pittsburgh in 2024. Her research uncovers how diasporas create community through place-based activism and art production. Her current work chronicles the impact of the Basement Workshop (1969-1986), the first pan-Asian political and arts organization active in Manhattan’s Chinatown.