Edward Nadurata
Edward Nadurata
Candidate statement
Edward Nadurata is a 2nd year PhD student in Global and International Studies with a Designated Emphasis in Medical Humanities at UC Irvine. He received his Masters in Asian American Studies at UCLA in 2019 and his BA in Ethnic Studies and Political Science from UC San Diego. He serves as the editorial assistant for Alon: Journal of Filipinx American and Diasporic Studies, the journal of the Bulosan Center for Filipinx Studies at UC Davis. His research interests are in aging, retirement, globalization, Disability Studies, and Filipinx Studies. His work is forthcoming in Filipinx American Studies: Reckoning, Reclamation, Transformation, edited by Rick Bonus and Antonio Tiongson (Fordham Press, 2022).
My name is Edward Nadurata and I am currently a 2nd year PhD Student in Global and International Studies with a Designated Emphasis in Medical Humanities at UC Irvine. I first attended AAAS in 2017 as an undergraduate and the association has served as my academic home ever since. The importance of AAAS as an institution became more apparent to me, as I am sure to many others, during this ongoing pandemic. The reason I continue to come back to AAAS is because it has given me a welcoming and engaging intellectual space where our community work and scholarship are not separate. Given my experience in conference organizing and creating programs for other first-generation students, I believe that I can continue cultivating this welcoming and supportive environment to my peers. I hope to form low-stake online support spaces like writing groups to connect those who feel isolated in their institutions to others also doing work in Asian American Studies. Additionally I would try and connect graduate students to other graduate students when looking for other panelists and continue helping with the mentoring sessions happening at the annual conference. I also hope to work with others in the board and the association to create professionalization workshops on topics like public engagement and exploring careers beyond the academy. AAAS has been a place for students, faculty, and those in the community to learn from one another and work together and it is my hope that as student representative, I am able to help facilitate a space for other students that will enable them to imagine and create better worlds.
My name is Edward Nadurata and I am currently a 2nd year PhD Student in Global and International Studies with a Designated Emphasis in Medical Humanities at UC Irvine. I first attended AAAS in 2017 as an undergraduate and the association has served as my academic home ever since. The importance of AAAS as an institution became more apparent to me, as I am sure to many others, during this ongoing pandemic. The reason I continue to come back to AAAS is because it has given me a welcoming and engaging intellectual space where our community work and scholarship are not separate. Given my experience in conference organizing and creating programs for other first-generation students, I believe that I can continue cultivating this welcoming and supportive environment to my peers. I hope to form low-stake online support spaces like writing groups to connect those who feel isolated in their institutions to others also doing work in Asian American Studies. Additionally I would try and connect graduate students to other graduate students when looking for other panelists and continue helping with the mentoring sessions happening at the annual conference. I also hope to work with others in the board and the association to create professionalization workshops on topics like public engagement and exploring careers beyond the academy. AAAS has been a place for students, faculty, and those in the community to learn from one another and work together and it is my hope that as student representative, I am able to help facilitate a space for other students that will enable them to imagine and create better worlds.