5. Member at Large (3 years) (Seat 2)

Number of vacancies
Voting closed 5 years ago.


  • Name:
    Lisa Forman Cody
    Candidate statement:
    Lisa Forman Cody is Associate Professor of History at Claremont McKenna College and author of Birthing the Nation: Sex, Science, and the Conception of Eighteenth-Century Britons (Oxford University Press, 2005), which won three prizes including the Berkshires Conference Best First Book Award. She is currently writing a monograph, “Divided We Stand: Women’s Rights and Personhood in English Marriage, 1660-1860.” Her articles have appeared in several edited volumes and journals, including the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, French Historical Studies, Gender & History, Journal of Women’s History, SECC, and ECS. She won the Western Association of Women Historians Article Prize (2002, 2005) and the North American Conference on British Studies Article Prize (2005). She has served on the American Historical Association’s Nominating Committee and other committees for the AHA, Berkshires, Western Association of Women Historians, Pacific Coast Conference on British Studies, including as Treasurer (2018-2020). She is active in public service and was appointed to the California State Bar’s Judicial Nominees Evaluation Commission (2018-2020). As a member of ASECS, she has served on the Macaulay and Clifford Prizes and the editorial board of SECC, for which she also served as associate editor (vols 39-40) and editor (vols 41-42).
  • Name:
    April Shelford
    Candidate statement:
    April G. Shelford holds a Ph.D. in History from Princeton University (1997); she is now Associate Professor of History at American University, Washington, DC. A specialist in the intellectual history of early modern Europe, she won the Selma Forkosch prize for best article published in the Journal of the History of Ideas in 2002. She published Transforming the Republic of Letters: Pierre-Daniel Huet and European Intellectual Life, 1650-1720 with the University of Rochester/Boydell Press in 2007. She is now completing a book manuscript, A Caribbean Enlightenment, which was inspired by a two-year visiting professorship at the University of the West Indies, Jamaica. In connection with this project, she has made numerous conference presentations, published articles in Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, Atlantic Studies, and History of European Ideas, and contributed a chapter to Before the Public Library: Reading, Community, and Identity in the Atlantic World, 1650-1850. She has served twice on the Governing Council of the Western Society of French History, and she co-edited the association's Proceedings (now Journal) for three years as it transitioned from print to online. She served on the ASECS Travel Awards Committee in 2018