2. First Vice-President

Number of vacancies
Voting closed 4 years ago.


  • Name:
    Meredith Martin
    Candidate statement:
    Meredith Martin is associate professor of art history at NYU and the Institute of Fine Arts. Specializing in French art and architecture from the 17th to 19th Centuries, she is the author of Dairy Queens: The Politics of Pastoral Architecture from Catherine de’ Medici to Marie-Antoinette (Harvard University Press, 2011); a co-author of The Sun King at Sea: Maritime Art and Galley Slavery in Louis XIV’s France (Getty Research Institute Publications, 2021) and Meltdown: Picturing the World’s First Bubble Economy (Harvey Miller/Brepols, 2020); and a co-editor of Objects in Motion in the Early Modern World (special issue of Art History, 2015). Dr. Martin is currently working on several projects, among them a restaging of a lost ballet pantomime from 1739 known as the Ballet des Porcelaines. She is a founding editor of Journal18 (www.journal18.org), an online journal devoted to 18th-C. art and culture from around the globe. She wishes to expand ASECS’s interdisciplinary focus while also making it more diverse in membership and global in scope, and she is interested in brainstorming new kinds of conference formats that could possibly incorporate creative presentations like group tableaux vivants.